Courage Compass Therapy

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Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there, will you?

This is the first blog in a series of posts about life lessons from some great 90's songs. 

Excerpt of Drive by Incubus

Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear, and I can’t help but ask myself how much I’ll let the fear take the wheel and steer/It’s driven me before and it seems to have a vague mass appeal/Lately I’m beginning to find that I should be the one behind the wheel

Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there/with open arms and open eyes, yeah/Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there, I’ll be there. 

To me, this speaks directly to the courage required to SHOW UP, BE SEEN, and LIVE BRAVETM.  When we succumb to others’ thoughts and opinions to think they are more valid, we let the fear of being judged take the wheel and steer.  When we take a poll of our friends to determine the best course of action for OUR decision, we’re letting the fear of making a mistake take the wheel and steer. 

This is such a great anthem song, but not in the way that makes you want to roll the windows down and let your hair blow in your face.  It’s the kind that makes you think- am I taking the wheel of my own life?  Am I in charge?  Do you say yes instead of no to requests that pull you in different directions? 

Yuck.  Let’s stop the nonsense. 

Ok, ok, but how do I take the wheel and steer my own life?  It’s vulnerable, it’s uncertain.   

Listen to Incubus: Lately I’m beginning to find that when I drive myself, my light is found.   You get to be you, you get to decide.  If you make a wrong turn or a mistake, you can change it.   It’s your life, your adventure.  Not that we don’t need or want copilots, but they have to be voluntary passengers on the journey, not people who aren’t taking their own wheel when it’s their turn.