Parenting in a “Not Enough” World

Anya Surnitsky
What we are teaches the child more than we say, so we must be what we want our children to become.
— Joseph Chilton Pierce

When we’re not feeling good enough, it’s easier than you think to transmit that message to our children.  The messages and expectations fly from everywhere—the doctor’s handouts on childhood obesity to your parents’ and in-laws snide remarks.  There is no perfect way to be a parent, and sometimes every decision you make is judged, questioned, or challenged by all parties, including the kids. 

However, we know that most powerful meaning-making moments with our children happen in these imperfect moments when it feels like the sky is falling.  


Who we are is a much more accurate predictor of how are kids will do than what we know or understand about the science of parenting
— Dr. Brené Brown

Here is your challenge: Be the adult you want your child to be. 

Why?  So that you can raise your children with:

  • A sense of worthiness- I matter, I’m important, I’m loved and lovable.

  • A value system that includes hard work, perseverance, and respect

  • the courage to be imperfect

  • A resistance to being ashamed

  • A sense of belonging and love even when they are struggling

So, how do we become the parents we want our children to be?

The Parenting in a “Not Enough” Culture Curriculum focuses on the following modules
to cultivate worthiness, love, and belonging in families:

  • Nurturing Love and Belonging

  • Cultivating worthiness

  • Parenting as an Arena

  • Understanding the key difference between shame and guilt, and how this translates to self-talk in our kids

  • Vulnerability and compassion

  • Perfectionism

  • Instilling hope

  • Gratitude and Joy

  • Setting healthy boundaries

  • Setting realistic expectations

  • The importance of play

  • Being cool